Ultimate Stones is a highly professional stone firm in the international natural stone sector.
We are specialized in a variety of traditional and unique types of natural stone materials , aslo we provide consultancy about their different usage and proper application.
Ultimate Stones as a team, we help our clients to reach their optimum solution, taking into consideration, the budget, the color, the quantity as well as the schedule of delivery for their projects
We are well-reputed;
ACADEMICALLY: We are always up to date, by attending yearly most international exhibitions and seminars.
AS CONSULTANTS: By providing stone solutions from all over the world to any type of project.
AS MANUFACTURERS: By executing to the end-user, all types of works using classical, traditional & new materials from all over the world.
AS TRADERS: By supplying to the different levels, in the flow chain, of the stone sector, from whole sellers to retailers
We are mainly oriented for the following :
- First we supply blocks from our different local and international quarries, and we supply slabs and cut to size projects from our different registered companies world wide.
- Second we provide stone solutions for factories and stone traders ,contractors ; the solution will be customized based on a color , quanitity needed ,time frame of delivery and/or on a budget in hand.
-Third we provide a lot of international stock opprtunitities world wide, for blocks, slabs and tiles from different countries.